How To Save On Tanzeum

Made by British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Tanzeum is an injectable medication for controlling Type I diabetes in adults. Tanzeum is injected once a week, and it works by mimicking the action of a hormone that balances blood sugar and insulin levels.

Common side effects of Tanzeum include nausea, diarrhea, cold/flu symptoms and irritation at the injection site. More worrisome effects are kidney problems, inflammation of the pancreas and severely low blood sugar. Patients should discuss any family history of thyroid cancer with their doctor; it’s unknown now whether Tanzeum can cause thyroid tumors in humans.

An excellent option for easing the financial burden of diabetes medications is to compare Tanzeum prices. Using this website, consumers can find the lowest prices available at their local pharmacies. After finding an agreeable price, just print the card and take it to a local pharmacy; anyone can save from 10% to 70% on their total prescription costs.

Manufacturer Prescription Savings Programs for Tanzeum

Tanzeum has no generic equivalent. The retail price for the drug is generally over $500. For many people, this can really strain the family budget. GSK does have a savings plan available for patients who are having trouble affording Tanzeum.

To be eligible for the GSK offer, patients must either have commercial insurance that does not cover the full cost of Tanzeum, or be uninsured and fully responsible for their own prescription costs. The savings offer provides for a full year of refills for as little as $15/each.

Help for Medicare Beneficiaries

GlaxoSmithKline offers additional patient assistance to those who qualify. The GSK-For-You program can help low-income families and people who are having trouble affording their medication. Patients must apply online.

Medicare beneficiaries (as well as anyone 65 and older) are not eligible for GSK’s savings plan. For these people, the federally funded Extra Help program can be a lifesaver. The program’s eligibility requirements are based on household income; potential annual savings with Extra Help is up to $4,000.

Note: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be substituted for professional medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance and treatment options.